9 Free eBooks on Photographing Nature

Picture of Ritesh Saini
Ritesh Saini

New / Noteworthy

Nature photography encompasses a wide variety of shots. It can consist of landscape images, seascapes, photos of insects, flowers, birds, wildlife, and a whole lot more!

Each subject usually requires a different approach when photographing which is why we have put together a list of free nature photography ebooks to help you get started. Take your pick or download them all – there should be something for everyone!

(Note: If you want to take your landscape photography up a notch before you take your next trip outdoors, do take a look at our new Landscape Photography Creativity Prompts)

Download now → Depicting the landscapes of the world has long been one of the most sought after expressions of art. This guide takes you through the elements of composition that work when shooting landscapes, along with relevant examples.

Download now → Capturing seascapes can be a lot of fun, and the resulting photographs can often be stunning. Learn everything you need to know to get started with photographing seascapes right here in this free guide.

Download now → Rivers offer an extraordinary number of different
photo opportunities. Read this guide to learn the different types of shots you can create by framing the river in your scenes and how exactly to go about it.

Download now → Waterfalls have been a source of inspiration to artists since man began walking the planet. This guide will show you how to photograph these wonders of nature, covering everything from equipment and composition to lighting considerations.

Download now → If you’d like to learn how to photograph bugs and insects, do check out this guide. It discusses everything from gear setup and lighting to composition ideas on utilizing perspective in insect macro photography.

Download now → This guide will teach you how to successfully photograph lightning. You’ll learn about the equipment that you’ll need, framing ideas, camera settings, and the techniques for capturing lightning strikes.

Download now → The colors, textures, and shapes of a flower lend themselves to beautiful imagery – but photographing flowers can be challenging. This guide will take you through the gear you need and the camera settings to get started with flower photography.

Download now → Getting a great photograph of a bird is one of the most satisfying photographs that we can achieve. However, it is also one of the more difficult genres of photography to master. This guide will be a great place to start.

Download now → We have all seen photographs of the Milky Way in the night sky and been fascinated by them. While it requires a bit of an effort to create a good shot of the milky way, the result is worth the effort. Read this guide to get started.

BONUS– I've got something special for you on the next page...

If you’d like to dive deeper into landscape photography, and try something new, take a look at our new Landscape Photography Creativity Prompts. Use them to spark fresh ideas, and beat creativity block! Perfect if you ever need a little motivation to get clicking.

You get 5 landscape photography creativity prompts (60 Pages | 24 Assignments | See More…) Learn from the mini-lessons within each category. Examples and practical assignments will help you remember what you learn. This is inspiration + learning in a super-useful quick format. Think of it like your new secret stash of infinite photography inspiration.

If you missed out on your set last time. It’s available again, and on sale right now.

Click below now, to read about it on the next page…

Picture of About Ritesh Saini

About Ritesh Saini

Ritesh has been photographing for more than ten years now and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. He recommends the Landscape Photography Creativity Prompts to those who really want to improve their landscape photography and dive deeper into the topic.

Who is Photzy™ ?

Great question! Photzy.com is an online photography school with a focus on simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.

Since 2012, we’ve grown to a small team of photography enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching over 200,000 students from 180 countries. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!

“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”