Out the Backdoor: Shooting In Your Backyard – Free Quick Guide

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to photograph? Have you floundered for inspiration? Maybe you hoped that some fantastic idea would pull you out of a photography funk?

We have all been there at some point. You feel uninspired and can’t summon the energy just to get out and shoot.

The problem with photography funks is that they can become a habit if they can go on too long.

Some photographers are of the mind that they must travel far from home to find a spectacular image.

And certain subjects—scenic landscapes, for example—often require you to drive to a particular location to view them.

In this free guide, author Leanne Cleaveley presents the idea that you can shoot a great variety of subjects and utilize diverse photographic strategies right in your backyard.

Sound intriguing?

Get your copy now.

Photo Credit: Leanne Cleaveley

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15 DSLR Photography Exercises to Master Your Camera

Knowing your way around a DSLR camera is always a challenge when you haven’t learned it hands-on!

Today, I have a comprehensive training guide that should help: Check it out here

Inside, you’ll find 15 step-by-step photography exercises to master DSLR camera fundamentals like exposure, sharpness, metering modes, white balance, focusing and a whole lot more.

All you need is your DSLR camera and just a little bit of motivation to get started (no excuses!)

Take a look now

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