Monochromatic Color: One Color Creates Interest and Mood – Free Quick Guide

Monochromatic color photos have one color. They can include different tints and shades of that same color – lighter or darker tones.

Monochromatic photo compositions hold their strength by using a single color.

Many people think of monochrome as being only black and white.

However, monochromatic color is not limited to shades of gray. You can include any color you want, but only one.

You could work with a single color for many reasons. This guide will examine why and how to limit your color palette to a lone hue.

Here is what you will learn:

  • Composition and monochromatic color
  • Mastering the monochromatic color technique
  • Using monochromatic colors in differing genres of photography
  • Looking beyond the obvious to spot monochromatic color opportunities

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Photo Credit: Kevin Landwer-Johan

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