Instantly Enhance the Natural Light in Your Shots With 1-Click!

With these 12 premium lightroom presets

How would you like to improve the natural light in your shots, instantly?

We have a very special offer for 70% off on this exclusive set of premium natural light presets for Lightroom.

They’re a set of 12 stunning Lightroom presets designed to help you improve the light in your shots in 1 simple click.

Here are a few examples:

As You’ve Seen from These examples…

These Lightroom Presets are subtle yet powerful presets that will bring out the intricate lighting details in your shots.

They are NOT flashy, glitzy, over-the-top presets that are far too common these days.

I’m sure you’ve seen the ‘swiss army knife’ 1000-in-1 preset packs available all over the internet.

For me it’s like this – If a preset pack claims to do everything, It probably won’t do any of those things well.

Don’t be fooled.

What you really need (or should have) are a set of presets for EACH situation.

Not a set that “does it all”


Because Your photography is unique, and so is EVERY situation.

These Lightroom Presets are ONLY for enhancing natural light. Period.

They DON’T do it all. But they DO Enhance the natural light in your shots, extremely well.

The Presets You'll Be Receiving:

Your Special Bonus:

As a very special bonus, these presets come with a video to help you install, understand and use them effectively.

Rachael runs through use examples of each preset.

We recommend you find similar images, follow along and then make your own tweaks.

Yes. Tweaks.

“But These are ’1-click’ Presets, Right?”

They are


Tweaking the presets for EACH situation is VERY IMPORTANT.

Yes, you’ll get great results from simply clicking apply.

But the real magic comes when you make your own tweaks to the sliders and settings.

That’s how professionals use Lightroom presets. They tweak and make small, final changes to get the desired results for each individual shot.

That’s how you can get your photos to really stand out.

Remember – Small changes, big impact

These presets are perfect for subtly giving your shots that extra ‘pop’.

Think, simple, powerful changes.

These presets were created by Rachael Towne from and she has spent hours hand-crafting them. Tweaking every slider, and carefully adjusting every necessary setting. Making sure they are perfect for the Photzy audience.

Rachael’s had loads of experience working with Lightroom, and has mastered the art of small changes, big impact in post-processing.

You’re in Great hands – Here’s what other Photographers have said about Rachael’s Preset Collections:

Join Over 300,000 Happy Photographers Who Learn With Us!

Grab Your Set Today

Don’t miss out. Your special ‘newcomer’ discount is only guaranteed until midnight!
~July 26, 2024~

Total Value: US$30.00
Today Only: $9

Total Value:  $30.00
Today Only: $9

Our 365-Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

You have a full 365 days to give this product an honest effort, and if you feel it hasn’t helped your photography, just shoot a quick email to [email protected] and we’ll refund your payment in FULL.

So you don’t have to make the final decision right now. Just sign up to reserve your copy, get a full 365 days to see if you like it, and then make your decision. That’s how much we believe in our products. We challenge you to find a guarantee this strong!

Who is Photzy™ ?

Great question! is an online photography school with a focus on simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.

Since 2012, we’ve grown to a small team of photography enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching over 200,000 students from 180 countries. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!

“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”