Graduated Filters – The Landscape Photographer’s Amazing Tool – Free Quick Guide

If your landscape photography looks like this example (above), you’re probably disappointed. What happened to the beautiful blue sky, you ask? Landscape photographers face a significant challenge, and that is excessive contrast from the sky to the ground. Digital cameras simply don’t have the dynamic range to capture most landscape scenes without a little help. That help comes in the form of ‘graduated filters.’

With a graduated filter, you can tame the contrast back to your camera’s dynamic range, such as in the example above.

You can also add color to the sky for dramatic effect.

This guide by Jo Plumridge will give you the necessary information to get started with graduated filters.

Jo says, “Have you ever looked at professional landscape photographs and scratched your head as to how they were shot? Chances are that the photographer used a filter to achieve their image. In this guide, I’m going to look at the graduated filters that can really make a difference to your landscape images.

In truth, most of my focus will be on graduated neutral density (ND) filters, as these make the biggest difference, but we will also touch on a couple of other useful graduated filters.”

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Why would you use a graduated filter for landscape photography?
  • Graduated ND filters and the different types
  • How to position your graduated ND filter
  • How do you shoot with a graduated ND filter?
  • Graduated blue and graduated tobacco filters

Grab a coffee or tea, and learn how to elevate your landscape photos to pro status!

Cover Photo Credit: Jo Plumridge

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