FREE Guide – Understanding Metering Modes

Don’t be a chimp!

Have you ever watched someone taking photographs with a fancy DSLR and after every shot they check the screen to see what’s there? Have you done this yourself? Come on- be honest.

This has become so common that they even have a term for it now; it’s called ‘chimping’.

Chimping is when a photographer is CONSTANTLY checking the screen: sometimes after every shot.

Why are they doing this?

Because they don’t trust that they got the picture!

One of the prime reasons that photographers chimp is because their images are consistently too dark or too light.

And the reason for that- is because they’re not properly using their metering modes.

This week’s quick guide will teach you all about Metering Modes, Covering-

  • What are the different metering modes
  • What exactly does each metering mode do
  • What’s the best metering mode for a situation
  • How to ‘read’ the lighting in a scene and choose the correct metering mode based on your knowledge
  • And more…

Image Credit: János Csongor Kerekes

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15 DSLR Photography Exercises to Master Your Camera

Knowing your way around a DSLR camera is always a challenge when you haven’t learned it hands-on!

Today, I have a comprehensive training guide that should help: Check it out here

Inside, you’ll find 15 step-by-step photography exercises to master DSLR camera fundamentals like exposure, sharpness, metering modes, white balance, focusing and a whole lot more.

All you need is your DSLR camera and just a little bit of motivation to get started (no excuses!)

Take a look now

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