Capturing Great Photos in the Snow – Free Quick Guide

Okay. Here we go… be honest.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever returned from a photography outing in the snow… to find that all of your shots looked terrible?

Even if you live in a warm climate, you’ve probably been to the mountains skiing… or something. Right? Or if not, you will go someday, and when you do, Photzy will have you ready to take on that photography challenge.

Snowy conditions present a lot of challenges. Primarily, you’ll find issues with exposure and color balance.

With digital cameras, we’ve come to expect that we can “get the exposure close” and then fudge it in post.

That’s not always so easy with snow photography!

Photographer and author Leanne Cleavely has written us an eBook on how to make the most of our photographs that will be created in snowy conditions.

You’ll learn about the importance of camera metering and how to set the white balance.

She will also teach you how to “spot the right scene” to photograph. Snow changes everything, and you must look at your potential subject differently. You must become acutely aware of texture, tone, and contrast.

Plus, she will give you some cool advice on how to capture snow in action. Snow isn’t just always lying there! Putting some action shots into your portfolio could really jazz things up.

It’s time to get creative!

Photo Credit: Leanne Cleaveley

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