A Beginner’s Guide to Shooting Weddings

Just about every photographer, who advances beyond vacation photographs, thinks about shooting weddings at some point.

And why not, weddings are fun, right?

Everyone is having a good time. The event is filled with emotion. It’s a perfect moment to capture images you just don’t come across every day.

Each of us has our own purpose for wanting to delve into wedding photography.

Here’s some great advice:

Don’t start out taking money, and selling yourself as a wedding photographer, until you’ve seriously photographed several weddings as a “secondary” photographer. And better yet, introduce yourself to some established wedding photographers and ask if you can assist them for some period of time.

Kent DuFault has once again put together a brilliant short guide for Photzy members. It’s a beginners guide, but even the professional will pick up a thing or two.

Most importantly – It includes examples of both good and bad wedding shots, with commentary on why they worked, or why they failed.

Use this to fast-track your learning.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this guide:

  • Setting Up Your Camera (Pg 11)
  • Setting Up Your Flash (Pg 15)
  • Raw or JPEG? (Pg 18)
  • Lighting (Pg 20)
  • What is Wedding Photography Really About? (Pg 22)
  • Styles of Wedding Photography (Pg 25)
  • Editorial (Pg 27)
  • Let’s look at a few editorial photographs (Pg 30)
  • Traditional (Pg 35)
  • Here’s a tip for handling low light (Pg 38)
  • Posing (Pg 40)
  • Let’s look at some traditional wedding photographs (Pg 43)
  • A Few Final Comments (Pg 47)

Image Credit : Buscavientos

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