7 Free Photography eBooks to Keep You Busy While on Lockdown

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EDITOR’S NOTE: If you’re looking for a quick way to learn the basics of photography take a peek at our popular cheat sheets: The Snap Cards. If you missed out on your set last time, they’re available again and on-sale right now.

Most of us around the world are currently homebound and unable to venture outside. Preventive lockdowns are undoubtedly a necessary step to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, but isolation can make us a little stir-crazy. If you want to do something creative while stuck at home- Photography is a great avenue to turn to.
To inspire the photographer in you and get those creative juices flowing, we’ve put together a list of our best free eBooks. They’ll give you inspiration, ideas and step-by-step tutorials to accomplish some unique shots, while you’re at home. Do take a look and download a few to get started! Don’t forget to share your photos with us on our Facebook page.
We wish you good health. Stay safe!

Download now → Ever considered the photographic potential of the rather ordinary-looking, commonly used objects around you? Well, if you can apply some compositional elements when shooting them, you can create great shots. Photographer Leanne Cleaveley teaches you exactly how to do that in this guide.
We also recommend you to check out two more free guides on this topic- Photography DIY by the same author, and 7 Ways to Shoot the Mundane by David Veldman.
Download now → A high key photograph is one that contains very little in the way of shadows or dark tones, which means it tends to be very white or is rich in light-toned colors. In this guide, photographer Stacey Hill shares everything you need to know to create high key images- from gear and setup to post-processing workflow.
To learn how to achieve the exact opposite effect, called a low key photograph, take a look at the free guide here.
Download now → If you’d like to discover a fun way to create stunning abstract images at home, check out this guide by photographer Leanne Cleaveley. It makes use of a simple setup that primarily utilizes water and oil to capture beautiful effects. In this guide, you’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to create such abstract images of your own.
Download now → Still life photography might seem pretty straightforward as it deals with shooting inanimate subjects but it requires a lot of thoughtful effort to create a still life photo that truly stands out. Your composition and lighting choices play an important role in determining how the photo looks in the end. Check out this guide by Stacey Hill to get started with still life photography.
If you want to take it a step further, take a look at the next two eBooks in this series- Lighting for Still Life Photography, and Post-Processing for Still Life Photography which are also free to download.
Download now → It’s not just through their photographs that master photographers inspire us. Sometimes it’s through their words too. In this eBook, Robin Nichols has collected ten famous photographer quotes and what you can learn from them, including street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson’s famous quote, “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
Download now → It doesn’t take a lot of gear to create great food photographs. Good lighting, a few simple props, and keeping your food looking fresh is what it takes to accomplish it. Stacey Hill will teach you how to plan and execute a great looking food shot by walking you step-by-step through one of her food shots. If food photography interests, you’ll find plenty of tips here to get started!
BONUS: I've got something special for you on the next page...
Do you like the idea of having a photography training bootcamp in your camera bag? Or would you simply like to improve your photography by way of a tested training method? One that thousands of photographers have used successfully? Take a look at our best-selling Snap Cards: Essentials: 20 printable key photography lessons that you can put in your camera bag.
If you missed out on your set last time. They’re available again, and on sale right now. Plus it includes two bonus video tutorials for free.
Click below now, to read about it on the next page…

About Ritesh Saini
Ritesh has been photographing for about nine years now and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. He recommends Photzy's best-selling training method Snap Cards to help people learn photography.