15 Stunning Images That Will Make You Fall in Love With Long Exposure Photography

Picture of Ritesh Saini
Ritesh Saini

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This collection of images is brought to you by our partners DailyColors.co a super-short newsletter for daily color palette inspiration! TRY IT FREE →

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A slow shutter speed lets you capture a wide variety of creative shots. While long exposure may be necessary in low light situations, it can also be used creatively in situations where there is sufficient available light – to capture motion blur of a moving subject, for example.

This post is a collection of photographs that make great use of long exposure in different situations. We hope that they inspire you to give slow shutter speed a try and capture great images of your own.

If long exposure photography interests you, and you want to learn how to create magical long exposure shots, do take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide to long exposure photography. But for now, let’s see what you can do with long exposures! Do give these ideas a try.

Photo by Jonathan Combe

Photo by Dave Doe

Photo by Phil Dolby

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Photo by Colin Knowles

Photo by Jerry Kirkhart

Get Started With Long Exposure Photography– Long exposure photography is a simple technique that can make your photos stand out.

If it interests you, and you want to learn how to create magical long exposure shots, do check out Kent DuFault’s 119-page comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about long exposure photography. Click here now to check it out.

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Stig Nygaard

Photo by Silentmind8

Get Started With Long Exposure Photography– Long exposure photography is a simple technique that can make your photos stand out.

If it interests you, and you want to learn how to create magical long exposure shots, do check out Kent DuFault’s 119-page comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about long exposure photography. Click here now to check it out.

Photo by kuhnmi

Photo by Steve Corey

Photo by John Fowler

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

BONUS – I've got something special for you on the next page...

If you are interested in getting started with Long Exposure Photography, do check out Kent DuFault’s 119-page comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about long exposure photography.

You’ll get case-studies, how-to instruction and a self-check quiz. Plus it includes a free printable guide for your camera bag to ensure you don’t forget a step when setting up.

If you missed out on your copy last time. It’s available again, and on sale right now.

Click below now, to read about it on the next page…

Picture of About Ritesh Saini

About Ritesh Saini

Ritesh has been photographing for about nine years now and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. He recommends Kent DuFault's best-selling guide, The Complete Guide to Long Exposure Photography to learn and master the art of creating beautiful long exposure photographs.

Who is Photzy™ ?

Great question! Photzy.com is an online photography school with a focus on simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.

Since 2012, we’ve grown to a small team of photography enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching over 200,000 students from 180 countries. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!

“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”