15 Remarkable Photographs That Prove Just How Powerful Leading Lines Are

Picture of Ritesh Saini
Ritesh Saini

New / Noteworthy

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you’re looking for a quick way to learn the basics of photography take a peek at our popular cheat sheets: The Snap Cards. If you missed out on your set last time, they’re available again and on-sale right now.

A strong photographic composition differentiates a good photo from a mediocre one. A clutter-free framing with a well-defined subject goes a long way in achieving a solid composition in your photograph. 

Many composition tools exist to help you photograph a subject in a clear and interesting way that engages the viewer of the image. Leading lines is one such composition tool wherein you draw a viewer’s attention to the lines that lead directly to the main subject of the photograph. 

This post contains 15 photographs that make great use of leading lines to create an engaging composition – especially in landscape photos and street photography, where leading lines work really well. We hope that they inspire you to create some of your own shots using leading lines.

If you’d like to improve your photographic composition and get a good grip on composition fundamentals, take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide to understanding composition.

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Atharva Tulsi

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Alexander Milo

Photo by Paško Tomić

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Learn the key elements of composition to create better photographs

If you’d like to learn exactly what composition is and how to use this to really turn your photos around so you’re proud to share them with your friends, check out our bestselling guide Understanding Composition.

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Photo Max

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Photo by Paško Tomić

Avoid the embarrassing composition mistakes many photographers make

Learn how to spot great composition in a scene quickly to start taking award winning shots in no time. Check out Kent DuFault’s guide Understanding Composition to learn more.

Photo by Jukan Tateisi

Photo by Photo Max

Photo by Luke Bender

Photo by Georgie Pauwels

BONUS: I've got something special for you on the next page...

If you’d like to learn the key elements of composition and how to apply them to consistently get remarkable shots, check out Kent DuFault’s bestselling guide Understanding Composition. It has everything you need to know about photographic composition and how to use it to create great photographs.

If you missed out on your copy last time, it’s available again, and on sale right now. Plus it includes a handy composition rules and tools checklist as a free bonus.

Click below now, to read about it on the next page…

Picture of About Ritesh Saini

About Ritesh Saini

Ritesh has been photographing for about ten years now and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. He recommends Kent DuFault's best-selling guide Understanding Composition if you'd like to learn the key elements of photographic composition.

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Great question! Photzy.com is an online photography school with a focus on simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.

Since 2012, we’ve grown to a small team of photography enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching over 200,000 students from 180 countries. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!

“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”