Do you have trouble getting your photos to reflect what you saw and felt when you shot them?
Do you find it difficult to get consistently amazing results in Lightroom?
If your answered YES to any of these, know this –
You are NOT alone.
Today we’re going to show you how to get the results you want– With this brand-new, practical hands-on approach to learning Lightroom.
…but first, let’s set something straight.
It’s a real challenge to master, even for the best photographers.
That’s why most people give up, and settle for presets. Presets that are designed for a 1-size-fits-all scenario… (which is almost never the case)
Now don’t get us wrong, Lightroom presets have their time and place, but if you really want to take your photography to the next level– Getting a strong, practical understanding of post-processing is absolutely CRUCIAL to your success!
Because no matter how strong your composition, how dramatic your moment or how interesting the subject in your viewfinder…
The Truth is, Mitchell has spent years in Lightroom.
He’s tweaked every slider. Tinkered with every setting. Learnt what works and what doesn’t, and honed his skills to absolute perfection. Through rigorous time-consuming ‘trial and error’, he’s mastered the art of post-processing.
Mitchell made the decision to share his secrets for amazing results with you!
You don’t need to grind away, painfully wasting your time learning like Mitchell did. You can learn from his mistakes, get right inside his head, and take a massive shortcut to develop your skills.
You’ll be saving yourself months(or even years!) and, the best part is, you can start right now…
This is completely unlike any other post-processing course, because it’s ONLY practical, and immediately applicable information. This course is the guaranteed fastest way to bring out the full potential of your photographs in Lightroom.
You’ll learn through:
This is your chance to peer over a professional photographer’s shoulder, as he uses Lightroom to transform his shots.
Quick Review:
“Many photographers wouldn’t dare show their unprocessed images, let alone hand out their RAW files. Mitchell shows you how easy it is to turn a flat looking RAW file into a dynamic image that really pops. I don’t know of any other photographer offering anything this valuable.” – Tom Bourdon.
Easy to understand, and easy for anyone to apply.
Just take a look at what you can expect after completing this video course:
Perhaps you spotted a scene that you just knew would be amazing.
You carefully set up, and captured the shot.
Perfect, right?
Hours later, you arrive back and eagerly load up the images on your computer… only to find that your photos look dull, flat and life-less.
How could that be? That’s not how you remembered the scene.
At this point you mess around in Lightroom, trying to salvage it.
But, nothing really works.
You dismiss the shot.
Disappointed. You move on…
Has this happened to you?
More often than not, your photos are just a few tweaks away from being incredible. (Just look back at Mitchell’s shots and you’ll know what I’m talking about)
Here’s the really interesting part –
As a creative person, you can already instinctively feel ‘what‘ needs to happen to the image to make it pop. You just need to discover the ‘how‘ and solidify the knowledge and skills in your brain, with the ‘why’ (most people miss this key part)
This is exactly what Mitchell is going to show you in this comprehensive course.
Over a decade of Mitchell’s own trial and error went into the development of this video course.
With this course, you’re getting the EXACT same education, for a fraction of that.
This video course package usually retails for $150.00USD.
But you won’t pay that today…
Your introductory special price for this new course is just $150.00USD $59 today!
This is a limited time offer!
Remember – With this course, you’re getting a complete training resource for transforming your shots with Lightroom.. Plus you can re-watch the material for FREE anytime you want, whenever you need a quick refresh.
Click the orange add-to-cart button below, grab your copy, and I’ll see you on the other side!
Don’t miss out. Join over 200,000 happy photographers who learn with us!
Total Value: US$150.00
Today Only: $59
These RAW files will help you follow along with exactly what Mitchell is doing in Lightroom. Giving you a full practical, hands-on learning experience.
Value: $50USD
FREE For today’s customers only!
Mitchell Kanashkevich is an multi award-winning travel/documentary photographer. He is also behind some of the best-selling photography eBooks of all time.
Mitchell’s work has appeared in magazines such as National Geographic Traveler, Vanity Fair, Lonely Planet Traveler, Geographical UK and has made its way into private photo collections around the world. He was even awarded the 2015 Travel Photographer of the year in the People & Cultures Portfolio Category.
Simply put- You’re in amazing hands with this training.
There’s over a decade’s worth of the Mitchell’s own trial, error and evolution packed into these videos. He’s going to show you how easy it is to turn a flat looking RAW file into a dynamic image that really pops.
Here’s why:
Don’t miss out. Join over 200,000 happy photographers who learn with us!
Total Value: US$150.00
Today Only: $59
This course is made for Lightroom. The methods and principles covered, are transferrable between versions, and will be applicable no matter what your current version of Lightroom is.
The course was originally created for Lightroom 5, but if you’ve upgraded, it will be 100% applicable. Mitchell’s methodology does not require specific tools, and is more about bringing out your true creative vision, regardless of the post-processing tool you have.
Yes! Even if you’ve been using Lightroom for a while, you’ll get a lot from following along with Mitchell and learning the way he personally edits. You can then integrate that knowledge into your workflow, and tweak for your own personal style. The end result will leave you much more confident and better equipped for handling post-processing.
We’ve had everyone from beginners through to professional photographers use this course and achieve great results.
However, this course is NOT a guide that simply demonstrates the tools available in Lightroom.
Instead, this course lets you inside the head of a professional’s actual post processing methods. This way you can learn by following along, and doing, rather than just learning the tools one by one. This is completely practical approach to learning.
Definitely. There are many, many landscape and portrait examples in the training videos. What’s most important though, are the principles and skills you’ll take away from the course. These will give you a better tool set to bring out the full potential in ALL of your photographs, no matter what type.
This is an online video course. You will receive 10 RAW images to get you practicing right away. 10 in-depth video tutorials on how to post-process every RAW image. 52 more photo examples (inside the videos). Nearly 3 total hours of original, jargon-free educational video material. And a special focus on learning not only the ‘How’ but most importantly, the ‘Why’
You have a full 365 days to give this product an honest effort, and if you feel it hasn’t helped your photography, just shoot a quick email to [email protected] and we’ll refund your payment in FULL.
So you don’t have to make the final decision right now. Just sign up to reserve your copy, get a full 365 days to see if you like it, and then make your decision. That’s how much we believe in our products. We challenge you to find a guarantee this strong!
OPTION#1 You keep doing what you’re doing now, keep getting the lightroom results you’ve been getting, and continue praying that eventually you’ll figure out this whole post-processing thing …Or…
OPTION#2 You take control of your photography right now. Grab this proven, simple, step-by-step course. And let a world-class photographer give you the Lightroom skills and knowledge you need, to start consistently transforming your images into powerful and share-worthy works of art. It’s only USD$150 $59 for a limited time, and it comes with an unbeatable 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
This will change the way you post-process your images.
Don’t procrastinate. Let’s do this together. is an online photography school with over 200,000 students from 180 countries. Founded in 2012, our focus has always been simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!
“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”
Made with ♥ at 11 York St Sydney NSW Australia
Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Photzy, Pty Ltd.
You have a full 365 days to give this product an honest effort, and if you feel it hasn’t helped your photography, just shoot a quick email to [email protected] and we’ll refund your payment in FULL.
So you don’t have to make the final decision right now. Just sign up to reserve your copy, get a full 365 days to see if you like it, and then make your decision. That’s how much we believe in our products. We challenge you to find a guarantee this strong!
Great question! is an online photography school with a focus on simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.
Since 2012, we’ve grown to a small team of photography enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching over 200,000 students from 180 countries. No matter where your current skill level is, we’d like to help you explore your unique creative side, through photography!
“At Photzy, we believe EVERYONE is creative, and that photography is the best way to explore and share your creative side with the world.”